Learn About The Proposed Plan To Address Our Needs

After working to identify, quantify, and further prioritize our facility needs, the school board decided to propose a two-question ballot to residents of Kingsland Public School District on Tuesday, November 5.

The school board feels confident that the proposed plan addresses our critical maintenance needs and educational programming needs to position Kingsland for the future while remaining fiscally-responsible to our taxpayers.

Question One proposes to address critical maintenance needs in our existing school, including:

  • Replace the existing roof with the exception of the gymnasium, which was done in 2023.

  • Complete various building envelope repairs on the 1957, 1962, and 1976 portions of the facility.

  • Replace the remaining aged windows on the 1957 and 1962 portions of our facility.

  • Upgrade and repair mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems in portions of the lower level of the 1952, 1962, and 1975 portions of our facility.

  • Repair and replace select existing curbs and sidewalks and repair, reseal, and re-stripe the existing asphalt areas of our parking lots, as needed.

  • Complete improvements to our playground to improve safety, repair and replace the existing outdoor recess, physical education, and athletic equipment storage buildings, and replace outdated and aging doors, door hardware, and flooring.

These improvements are critical to ensuring our existing school can physically serve our students, staff, and community well for years to come.

Question Two proposes a building addition on the east side of our existing facility to:

  1. Provide additional gymnasium space to support physical education use during the school day.

  2. Provide a flexible classroom to support multiple uses, including Community Education that can be used for either youth or adult programming or other multipurpose programming such as student clubs or curricular activities.

  3. Create improved, ADA-compliant locker rooms.

  4. Create an improved weights/fitness room and remodel the existing weight room located on the main gymnasium’s stage to use for other critical programming.

  5. Provide additional storage space and family restrooms to support our students and community.

  6. The addition would also meet building code requirements for storm shelters. 

Please note that Question Two cannot pass unless Question One also passes.

Conceptual Drawing FOR QUESTION TWO

Hover over the icons below to view additional details about Question Two of the plan. Please note that the image below is conceptual and not finalized. If approved, the design process would involve stakeholder input to ensure the design best responds to those who would use the facility.

frequently asked questions about the plan

  • If approved on Tuesday, November 5, the design and pre-construction phase of the project would take place from November 2024 to early summer 2025. The project bid and award phase is currently planned to take place in summer 2025, and construction would take place from July 2025 to August 2027. Please note that this schedule may change because of material delays or unforeseen lead times. 

  • If the referendum passes, the district will begin the design process, led by the project architect. Community input is important during this process, and we will involve staff, administrators, community members, and students who will work collaboratively with the selected architect throughout the design process. Input would be asked for and encouraged to ensure the design of the renovated Kingsland facility best represents the students, staff, and community who will use it.

  • Our district’s goal is to remain stable and provide appropriate educational spaces to remain responsive and competitive as a district. If the proposed plan is not approved, our critical facility needs will remain unaddressed and will not go away. Annual maintenance dollars from the state only go so far, and items such as our roofs, building systems, building exterior, and more will only continue to increase with urgency. If the referendum fails, we will need to re-evaluate how to best address our facility needs, which could mean another voter-approved referendum.

  • Ultimately, the need for additional space is driven by the need to support physical education during the school day. We lack dedicated space to support our physical education curriculum during the school day. While the existing cafeteria has been repurposed as an auxiliary gym for after-school activities, it is currently used to provide three breakfast periods and four lunch periods for PK-12 students throughout the school day. This means all K-12 physical education classes must be held in the main gym during the school day. Class schedules for all elementary and high school classes, including math and reading, are developed around the availability of shared gym space for physical education classes, which limits flexibility and course offerings for all core content areas. 

  • If Question Two is approved, the 21,000-square-foot addition would be located on the east side of our existing facility, directly surrounding the existing concessions stand and bathrooms. Please click here to view a conceptual drawing of how the proposed addition would be situated on our existing building site.

How the proposed plan impacts our students, staff, and community

  • Addressing critical maintenance needs will best position our facility to physically serve our communities well for decades to come, such as our building systems, roof, and more.

  • Providing adequate and right-sized spaces to serve all students and staff is the best long-term solution for our district, such as physical education during the school day and Community Education and other uses during other hours.

  • Making these improvements allows the district to improve its overall operational efficiency and remain competitive with neighboring districts as educational opportunities continue to evolve and change.